The Bulk Priced Food Shoppe

Valley Cooperative Association Member

The member loyalty points are a great benefit!

“We joined Valley in 2006 when a sales rep came through the door and showed us what kind of benefits we can get through the co-op. We get tons of products from Valley, besides getting just your staples like oats, flours, and sugars, we get a lot of different freezer items, their products pretty much fill our 13-door freezer case. It is cinnamon rolls, scone dough, turnovers, cookie dough, and then besides that they’re pretty much our main supplier for all of our sprinkles year round, we have about 250 different varieties. Valley also supplies us with all our packaging needs, from polybags to containers, and then during COVID they were able to get us essential needs like face masks, bleach, and hand sanitizer. The best part about working with Valley is our sales rep Kate, she goes above and beyond for us trying to find new products, doing research on new products, as well as getting us great pricing, she has a personal interest in our business and our success reflects on her. My favorite benefit from Valley is the member loyalty points that I earn. I use that to take a family vacation every year on Valley and that’s just a wonderful benefit. Another great benefit is we don’t just get a once-a-week delivery we’re on a schedule that if we need a delivery five days a week Valley can provide it. I would suggest Valley to any small business even just for the sheer benefit of being a member-owner.”

Are your needs for a supplier as big as Brenda’s? Do you need a little bit of everything from a partner you can trust and be rewarded in the process? Click here to contact us today!