Tamara’s The Cake Guru

Valley Cooperative Association Member

They’ve helped me train my staff!

“My relationship with Valley has been great, they really offer a lot of resources whether it be resources for learning which I think is fantastic, and resources helping me find products that I need, they’ve helped me deal with the different issues we’ve had with the changing of trans fats, they’ve helped me with pricing and sell things that are reasonably priced, they’ve given me resources to train my staff in different ways, offered different seminars and learning opportunities that I’ve sent my staff to. They actually gave me continuing education allowing me to go to Chicago to a seminar and I learned a ton from the chef there. Another thing is their annual meetings and food show because networking with other bakers is absolutely something I love as well. We can always learn from each other. There is tons of business to go around and the better those relationships are with other bakers the better we all are.”

Continuing to learn as a baker is an important component when it comes to growing your bakery. If you are looking for resources, trainings, seminars, and opportunities to network with other bakers then look no further. Click here to contact us today at Valley!