WEBINAR: Properly Handling Reductions in Force During the COVID-19 Crisis
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Eastern
Employers are currently faced with tough decisions, due in large part to government mandates and economic conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. These decisions may include large or small reductions in an employer’s workforce, even after wage reductions, furloughs, and other alternative work arrangements have been exhausted. During this webinar, the speakers will explore the issues that may arise and strategies for reducing risk when contemplating and executing systemic employment terminations.
Update on Unemployment Insurance Program Implementation
Nearly a month ago, President Trump signed into law the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, the first of three bills to address the COVID-19 crisis. Within this bill were one billion dollars to help states modernize their unemployment filing systems so they would be better able to handle the anticipated influx of claims.
However, the Department of Labor has confirmed that less than half of the allocated money has been distributed to states. This is combined with the fact that states are still awaiting DOL guidance on how they can streamline claims so states can begin getting checks faster to those in need.
This chaos is causing the millions of newly unemployed workers to go without unemployment checks as they struggle to cope with the loss of their job and worrying about how they will pay their bills.
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